News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

The Post-Pandemic Jobs Recovery by Industry

Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that the total number of U.S. jobs isn’t back to pre-pandemic levels — but some sectors are already bigger than in February 2020, Emily Peck writes for Axios Markets. Most ARF members are in sectors that are on the plus side, namely “Information” and “Professional and Business Services.” Read more »

Pandemic Parallels

ARF members contributed to a new book, Transitioning Media in a Post COVID World, which highlights some surprising parallels between the current pandemic and the 1918-19 flu pandemic.

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Consumers’ New Realities and Routines

Numerator’s “New Realities & Routines” study analyzed responses from over 10,000 consumers. It dissects the market dynamics affecting today’s consumers with a segmentation analysis, to provide an understanding of “new realities” and “new routines.” 

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The Only Number that Matters to CEOs

Proving the value of marketing means showing that the investment is paying off in faster business growth. The only number a CEO cares to hear is the incremental growth rate attributable to marketing. The rest is mumbo jumbo.

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What Smartphone Buyers Want

A new survey finds that hardware features remain important when choosing a smartphone. However, around the world, financial and environmental considerations are climbing up buyers’ agendas.

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Can Virtual Communication Curb Creativity?

A study tried to assess the impact of working from home and the use of videoconferencing on generating creative ideas. The researchers concluded that videoconferencing interferes with idea generation.  
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Top Trends in Data and Analytics for 2022

Research and advisory company Gartner shared their insights on top trends in data and analytics technology and practices. These can help anticipate change and transform uncertainty into opportunity, driving new growth and increasing efficiency, resilience and innovation. Read more »

Death Stars in the Media Universe

Evan Shapiro, CEO-Producer-Pundit-Strategist, ESHAP; Adjunct Professor, Fordham and NYU, shared his latest “Media Universe Map”, discussed the rapidly changing media landscape and predicted more corporate consolidation.

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