Ad-Spend Cues, Deepfakes/A.I., Badass Endorsers and Influencer KPIs
Featured Speakers’ Bios
Kevin Lane Keller
E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing
Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College
Kevin Lane Keller is the E. B. Osborn Professor of Marketing at the Tuck School of Business, Dartmouth College. His academic résumé includes degrees from Cornell University, Duke University and Carnegie-Mellon University; award-winning research; and faculty positions at University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University, and University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. In addition to his library of authored journal articles, Kevin is noted for his textbook, Strategic Brand Management, which has been adopted at top business schools and leading firms around the world. He is also the coauthor, with Philip Kotler, of the all-time best-selling introductory marketing textbook, Marketing Management, and a former Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Executive Director.
Kirk Plangger
Senior Associate Professor of Marketing
King’s Business School at King’s College London
Kirk Plangger is a Senior Associate Professor of Marketing in the King’s Business School at King’s College London. His research focuses on consumer-led digital marketing strategies including topics such as falsity in marketing, customer privacy and surveillance, and consumer engagement strategies. In addition to the JAR, Kirk’s work has appeared in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, Information Systems Research and Journal of Retailing, among others.
Jennifer Jeffrey
Associate Professor and Director of the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics
King’s University College at Western University
Jennifer Jeffrey is an Associate Professor and Director of the School of Management, Economics, and Mathematics at King’s University College at Western University in London, Ontario, Canada. She has worked in the field of pharmaceutical marketing, and her research interests include human brands, consumer relationships, and consumer welfare. Jennifer’s research has appeared in the Journal of Advertising, Journal of Consumer Affairs and Accident Analysis and Prevention.
Matt Thomson
Professor of Marketing at the Isenberg School of Management
University of Massachusetts Amherst
Matt Thomson is a Professor of Marketing at the Isenberg School of Management, University of Massachusetts Amherst. His primary research interests lie at the intersection of brands, relationships and experiences. Matt’s work can be found in the Journal of Marketing, Journal of Consumer Research and Journal of Consumer Psychology, among other journals.
Naser Pourazad
Lecturer in Marketing
Flinders University
Naser Pourazad is a Lecturer in Marketing at Flinders University in Adelaide, South Australia, focused on quantitative modelling and consumer decision-making analytics. In addition to his academic career, Naser spent years in sales management and industry consulting roles. He is currently leading studies on consumer behavior in digital contexts, in particular, health-oriented mobile apps and the adoption of Industry 4.0 technology (machine learning and distributed ledgers in the health sector.) Naser’s work is published in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, Journal of Marketing Management, and Journal of Product and Brand Management, among others.
Lara Stocchi
Senior Lecturer in Marketing
Ehrenberg-Bass Institute for Marketing Science, UniSA Business, University of South Australia
Lara Stocchi is a Senior Lecturer in Marketing at UniSA Business, University of South Australia, specialized in consumer buying behavior and consumer memory. Her current focus is on digital marketing, particularly the analysis of consumer perceptions and use of mobile apps and social media. Lara, who has led research projects in collaboration with industry partners, is also interested in branding and the measurement of brand performance. Her research can be found in the Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, the European Journal of Marketing, Psychology & Marketing, the Journal of Advertising Research, the Journal of Marketing Management, and the Journal of Product and Brand Management, among others.
Q&A Participants:
Koushyar Rajavi
Assistant Professor of Marketing
Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology
Koushyar Rajavi is an Assistant Professor of marketing at Scheller College of Business, Georgia Institute of Technology. His primary research interest is in understanding what affects consumers’ perceptions of brands. He also conducts research on product recalls and digital piracy. Koushyar’s research has appeared in the Journal of Marketing, Marketing Science and Journal of Consumer Research, among other journals.
Donald R. Lehmann
George E. Warren Professor of Business
Columbia University Graduate School of Business
Donald R. Lehmann is the George E. Warren Professor of Business at the Columbia University Graduate School of Business. His research interests include modeling choice and decision making, meta-analysis, the introduction and adoption of innovations, and the measurement and management of marketing assets (customers and brands). Don is a Fellow of the Association for Consumer Research, the Informs Society for Marketing Science and the American Marketing Association, and he has served as Executive Director of MSI and as President of the Association for Consumer Research. In addition to numerous journal articles (which included Best Paper winners), he has published several books including Market Research and Analysis, Analysis for Marketing Planning, Product Management, Meta Analysis in Marketing, and Managing Customers as Investments.