Young Pros Spotlight
Ben Widger
What is your role / current company?
Account Executive at Whip Media
When did you join the ARF Young Pros? July 2022
How has being an ARF Young Pro member impacted your career?
I just joined! I’m looking forward to connecting with other ARF Young Pro’s in the area, attending networking events, online webinars, etc.
When researching a topic you know nothing about, how do you get started?
I always like to start by asking a friend, coworker, or family member. Across all those relationships there’s typically someone that has some knowledge or experience on a new topic I’m interested in. If not, Google / YouTube is my best friend.
What’s an example of a company/ brand that you think is doing a great job?
I’m a fan of a lot of brands and their advertising strategies. For some reason, Old Spice really sticks out in my mind. Probably because of their over-the-top ads and unusual product names.
What is your favorite restaurant in your city?
I’m biased because it’s where I worked in high school, but Georgios Pizzeria out in the Chicago Suburbs. Best deep dish you can find!
What is your favorite show/program?
I was a big Game of Thrones fan so I’m looking forward to the prequel show House of the Dragon.
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