Research & Data Quality

Determining What’s Better: Single or Multiple Attitudinal Measures

  • Lawrence Ang, Martin Eisend, Journal of Advertising Research

Academic advertising researchers argue that multiple measures are needed for accuracy. Practitioners argue that a single measure of attitudes is sufficient. Who’s right? This article suggests it is better to have one valid measurement item that fully captures the semantic meaning of the construct rather than having multiple bad ones, no matter how internally consistent the measurement scale may be.

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Representativeness in an Era of Nonresponse and Nonprobability Samples

  • Andrew Mercer, Pew Research Center

The continuing rise in non-response rates has led to growing concern about the representativeness of surveys. Andrew Mercer, Senior Research Methodologist at the Pew Research Center, provides an overview of the issue along with best practices in modeling representativeness, for example, think through your modeling assumptions before collecting data.

Quota Controls in Survey Research

  • Steven H. Gittelman; Randall K. Thomas; Paul J. Lavrakas; Victor Lange

Non-probability samples have become a de facto norm in on-line survey and marketing research. But are there opportunities to improve the demographic screening tools to reduce non-probability error and come closer to Random Probability samples? This JAR article shows that additional demographic screening did not reduce bias or improve data accuracy when measured against benchmarks from large-scale Random Probability studies.

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The Organizational Benchmark Survey Database


Our first, annual benchmark survey looked into the dramatic changes that occurred in advertising and marketing research organizations from 2018-2019. We have delivered a series of reports: the advertiser, agency, research, media & entertainment and consultancy report. Now, the ARF has released the interactive access via a searchable database. Members can interrogate the data and findings themselves and query segmentations such as job title, category, structure, size and investment trends.

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The ARF’s 2020 Research Agenda (Summary)


In order to offer members the insights they need to keep ahead of the curve, the ARF conducts original research that tackles the industry’s most pressing questions. Last year, the foundation changed its research project development process, creating a 401K approach in order to democratize it. Member organizations were able to vote with their dollars on what topic areas research funding should be allocated to.