ARF Members’ Priority Issues
The ARF’s Knowledge Center recently analyzed all the information requests received by members. Their analysis provides insights into ARF member companies’ priority issues.
The ARF’s Knowledge Center recently analyzed all the information requests received by members. Their analysis provides insights into ARF member companies’ priority issues.
The intention behind recent privacy regulations is to protect consumers from unauthorized use of their data. However, this Marketing Research Institute (MSI) working paper finds unintended consequences that are not good for the consumer or the marketplace. Researchers found such regulations reduce satisfaction with search results and increase search costs. The personalization in products and services is thus degraded, as many smaller and midsize firms are no longer able to provide the level of efficiency and personalization they once could. Larger firms, however, benefit from increased search activity which leads to increased purchase activity. As a result, such regulation leads to unintended market concentration.
Member Only AccessThe practice of marketing mixed modeling (MMM) is increasing, research finds, partially because of the implementation of privacy restrictions. Today, finding appropriate providers to optimize marketing investments remains challenging. This was the impetus behind the Marketing Science Institute (MSI)’s Blue Ribbon Report on MMM. This free preview of the full white paper outlines what best practices to employ in a rapidly changing landscape. It identifies challenges for MMM veterans and ways to meet them. It also introduces executives to the opportunities that exist when introducing MMM into their firm. The report preview provides a brief overview of the top-level findings found in the full report, which is only available to MSI members.
Member Only AccessPrivacy issues—both regarding consumer attitudes and the impact of regulations on measurement and ad impact—continue to be concerning.