Inside the Journal of Advertising Research: Sonic Branding, ASMR Engagement, and Who Wins in Activist Messaging?


At this Insights Studio, researchers in Europe, the U.K. and the U.S. presented work in relatively new fields that have high-impact potential for the advertising industry. Starting with a forthcoming paper on sonic branding, the authors described their ground-breaking framework for measuring the implicit effects of sonic branding using music to manipulate visual scenes in video, film and TV. Next, a deep dive into autonomous sensory meridian response (ASMR)—a sensory-inducing device in ads—included strategies for helping brands collaborate with successful ASMR influencers. Lastly, a preview of an article to be published in the March Prosocial Advertising Special Issue showed how brand activism influences attitudes and purchase intentions, revealing a credibility gap between established activist brands and brands emerging in that space. Taking questions from Paul and from attendees, panelists in the concluding Q&A explored links between sonic branding and ASMR, the demographics of ASMR followers, ways for emergent activist brands to close the credibility gap with established activist brands, and future research possibilities.

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Award for JAR Editor

Congratulations to Douglas West, Professor Emeritus at King’s College London and JAR Executive Editor 2008 – 2014. Professor West has received the European Advertising Academy’s Flemming Hansen Award, which honors lifetime achievement in the field of advertising research.

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Negative Outcomes from Multiple Influencer Exposures Fade Over Time


A single persuasive message by a social media influencer can positively drive consumer behaviors and attitudes, but what are the potential effects from multiple exposures over time? With an eye on consumer skepticism in today's dynamic media environments, this article explores both short-term and long-term effects in this area. Hint: Time heals.

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How AI and Deepfakes Could Reshape the Advertising Industry


Artificial intelligence is already changing advertising, but how will it reshape it moving forward? Researchers unpack the potential effects of three different forms of AI—analytic, interpretive and creative—on seven categories of advertising industry stakeholders. Can those who embrace the evolving creative AI mechanisms get ahead of competitors?

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Inside the JAR: Going “Dark,” Causality, Gender and Creativity (Event Summary)


At this Insights Studio, a global panel showcased their work published in the Journal of Advertising Research on the impact of halting advertising, methods to improve causality–analysis of TV ad effectiveness, gender roles in ads, and the emotional advertising creativity process. Going “dark” during the pandemic, use of counter-stereotypes, and causality in marketing-mixed modeling were among issues addressed in the concluding Q&A.

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The Optimal Way to Advertise Sequentially Released Products

  • Jooseop Lim and Tieshan Li (Concordia Univ.)

Hollywood pumps out movie sequels like there’s no tomorrow. Why? Sequential distribution is critical to a company’s performance, not only for movies but also for other types of products. This article illustrates that how an advertising budget is allocated across product life stages or product formats over time can make or break success.

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When Measuring an Ad’s Success, Less is More

  • Lawrence Ang (Macquarie Univ. - AU), Martin Eisend (European Univ. - DE)

Who doesn’t like less complex and less costly solutions, if similar results are achieved? This study claims to deliver on that goal by validating the single-item measurement approach (preferred by practitioners) vs. using multiple measures of attitudes (preferred by academics. It’s a welcome outcome in the current era of decreasing survey response rates and respondents’ attention spans.

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What Makes a Television Commercial Sell? – Using Biometrics to Identify Successful Ads via JAR

This study demonstrates the potential of certain neurological measures—in particular, biometrics—to identify television advertisements that successfully lead to sales. The researchers, who represent academia and industry, used direct measures of what they believe matters most to marketers: in-market sales response (from single-source data).

Key Takeaways:

  • Biometrics have the potential to help advertisers understand how sales-successful advertisements work, yet there is no silver-bullet measure to gauge effectiveness
  • The ultimate goal of brand advertisements is to sell; therefore, testing tools must be validated against sales or other relevant behavioral measures
  • Advertisers should establish in advance the desired audience response from any advertisement (e.g. laughter or attention to the brand) and use evidence-supported measures and analysis to ensure the desired response is achieved
  • Key biometrics and objective coding seem useful under defined conditions, whereas traditional survey measures offer no additional value

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