
DEI in 2024

In addition to the ARF event, DEI and diversity were recently addressed by the World Federation of Advertisers (WFA) strategic partners in their forecasts for 2024 priorities and in a new Morning Consult study.

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Navigating the Evolving Media Landscape

  • OTT 2023

The media landscape continues to evolve, arguably at a faster rate than ever. Leading media and measurement experts presented research-based insights on how viewers use different forms of TV/video on various platforms. Attendees joined us at the Warner Bros. Discovery Studios in California and via livestream to understand the latest data and discussions of the data’s implications.

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Improving Inclusive Advertising

A new study by Paramount looks at the current state of inclusive advertising and offers six tactical strategies to improve advertising for the benefit of consumers and brands.

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Inclusion by Design in Pharma Research and Marketing

This ARF Pharma Council event followed up on the Council’s podcast episode on “Inclusive Futures of Humancare,” focusing on the importance of inclusiveness in pharma research and marketing with respect to both demographic characteristics and health conditions.  Four speakers delivered brief presentations, followed by a discussion moderated by Pharma Council Co-Chair Marjorie Reedy of Merck.

Inclusion by Design in Pharma Research and Marketing

This ARF Pharma Council event followed up on the Council’s podcast episode on “Inclusive Futures of Humancare,” focusing on the importance of inclusiveness in pharma research and marketing with respect to both demographic characteristics and health conditions.  Four speakers delivered brief presentations, followed by a discussion moderated by Pharma Council Co-Chair Marjorie Reedy of Merck.

Expanding Spanish Language Audiences

Sergey Fogelson and Edouardo Vitale, both from TelevisaUnivision, outlined their motivations for developing a custom lookalike model (LAM) to expand Spanish-language audiences, which were under-represented:

  • Misidentification: 4 in 10 Hispanics are excluded from 3p datasets.
  • Waste: 70% of impressions targeted at Hispanics are wasted.
  • Scale: The true scale of the Hispanic population within a given brand’s 1p dataset is hard to identify without extensive validation.

Inclusion by Design in Pharma Research and Marketing

  • Pharma Council

This ARF Pharma Council event followed up on the Council’s podcast episode on “Inclusive Futures of Humancare,” focusing on the importance of inclusiveness in pharma research and marketing with respect to both demographic characteristics and health conditions.  Four speakers delivered brief presentations, followed by a discussion moderated by Pharma Council Co-Chair Marjorie Reedy of Merck.

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