
Values & Viewing

We know that political views impact choices for news sources – such as a viewer’s preferred news network – but little is known about the relevance of political views, values and attitudes for viewing entertainment programs.

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Predicting Attention to Advertising Through Machine Learning

Privacy regulations have served as the impetus for a renewed interest in contextual targeting. To be effective, an ad must be related to its context but different enough to stand out. This working paper from the Marketing Science Institute (MSI) at the ARF presents a comprehensive model leveraging eye-tracking data and XGBoost algorithms to forecast the effectiveness of ad placements in real time.

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The Value of “Other” Media

Given the current focus on social media and streaming services as advertising vehicles, it is worth paying attention to studies that remind us of the value of radio and Out-Of-Home (OOH). 

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The Benefits of Understanding Consumers’ Values

Research has demonstrated that developing messages, creative and targeting based only on demographic characteristics is not optimal. Investing in research on consumers’ values and emotions is likely to increase marketing effectiveness.     Read more »

Aligning with Rituals: The Contextual Foundation of Audio

Prayushi AminAssociate Director, Magna Global

Idil CakimSVP, Research & Insights, Audacy

Audio is a daily ritual at the heart of the day. With the richness of audio experiences, should brands strive for contextual alignment? But what is contextual alignment? There are two types: Genre based—aligning with audio content genre that is contextually relevant to the brand; Ritual based—aligning with audio ritual/behavior that is contextually relevant to the brand. Methodology: a controlled test to quantify the impact of genre and ritual-based contextual alignment; recruitment of weekly audio listeners from a representative online panel, listening to content that they chose for roughly 30 mins. Listeners then answered brand metric questions to determine ad effectiveness. Findings:
  1. Ads in context perform better. The brands feel more relevant.
  2. Audio with Rituals in context taps into purchase and genuine interest in the product.
  3. Listeners feel more connected to the brand when hearing contextually aligned ads.
  4. Listeners who felt energized or excited were more receptive to the ad. Audio during rituals get people motivated and more open to noticing ads.
  1. Ensure contextual targeting is a part of your digital audio planning to drive transactional next steps.
  2. Explore rituals to reach a highly engaged audience and amplify the effectiveness of your audio.
Audacy came out with a campaign to promote the Audacy app across radio stations: four markets, 22 stations, 20 unique promos, during six weeks of media. Findings show that the rituals campaign worked—increases in app downloads are directly attributable to the rituals campaign. The campaign particularly influenced heavy radio listeners, parents, 35-54 and cross-platform listeners. Key takeaways:
  • Audio rituals works.
  • Audio rituals targeting works.
  • There is a way to further slice and be more precise with audio.

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CTV Ads: Viewer Attention & Brand Metrics

Rohan CastelinoCMO, IRIS.TV

Mike TreonProgrammatic Lead, PMG

Representing the Alliance for Video Level Contextual Advertising (AVCA), Rohan Castelino (IRIS.TV) and Mike Treon (PMG) examined research conducted with eye tracking and attention computing company, Tobii. The research endeavor focused on the impact of AI-enabled contextual targeting on viewer attention and brand perception in CTV. Beginning the discussion, Rohan examined challenges with CTV advertising. He noted that advances in machine learning (ML) have empowered advertisers to explore AI enabled contextual targeting, which analyzes video frame by frame, uses computer vision, natural language, understanding, sentiment analysis, etc., to create standardized contextual and brand suitability segments. Highlighting a study of participants in U.S. households, the research specifically aimed to understand if AI-enabled contextual targeting outperformed standard demo and pub-declared metadata in CTV. Additionally, they wanted to understand if brand suitability had an impact on CTV viewers’ attention and brand perception. Results from the research found that AI-enabled contextual targeting outperformed standard demo and pub-declared metadata in CTV and increased viewer engagement. In closing, Mike provided the marketers’ perspective on the use of AI-enabled contextual targeted ads and its practical applications. Key takeaways:
  • Challenges with CTV advertising: Ads can be repetitive, offensive and sometimes irrelevant, in addition to ads being placed in problematic context.
  • In addition, buyers are unsure who saw the ad or what type of content the ad appeared within. A recent study by GumGum showed that 20% of CTV ad breaks in children’s content were illegal (e.g., ads shown for alcohol and casino gambling).
  • Advertisers have begun experimentation with contextual targeting in CTV, as a path to relevance.
  • A study conducted with U.S. participants that examined the effects of watching 90 minutes of control and test advertisements, using a combination of eye tracking, microphones, interviews and surveys to gather data found that:
    • AI-enabled contextual targeting attracts and holds attention (e.g., 4x fewer ads missed, 22% more ads seen from the beginning and 15% more total ad attention).
    • AI-enabled contextual targeting drives brand metrics (e.g., 2x higher unaided recall and 4x higher aided recall).
    • AI-enabled contextual targeting increases brand interest (e.g., 42% more interested in the product, 38% gained a deeper understanding).
  • Research to understand if brand suitability had an impact on CTV viewers’ attention and brand perception found that:
    • Poor brand suitability makes CTV viewers tune out ads and reduces brand favorability (e.g., 54% were less interested in the product, 31% liked the brand less).
    • AI-enabled contextual targeted ads are as engaging as the show.

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ARF, JAR and CIMM News

The ARF released a report on cause-related messaging. JAR research investigates brand safety issues and CIMM announces research into the future role of panels for TV and cross-platform measurement.

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On June 7, 2023, attention economy experts came together in NYC to share case studies and participate in engaging discussions on the attention measurement landscape. Plus, attendees heard a recap of the issues debated at AUDIENCExSCIENCE and an update on Phase I of the ARF Attention Validation Initiative, an empirically based evaluation of the rapidly developing market for attention measurement and prediction.

Attentive Reach: The Case for Human Attention in Brand Advertising

Realeyes uses software solutions for measuring human attentional and emotional response to advertising. Max Kalehoff explained the importance of attention measurement as a gauge of brand performance. He urged companies, particularly those with latent sales, to incorporate it into their business models.

MODERATED TRACK DISCUSSIONS: Data Deprecation & Rising Privacy Concerns

Three core factors driving/limiting targeting are privacy, devices (IDFA), and at browser level (third party cookies). There are two broad trends in marketers’ response: 1) recreate identities or improve contextual targeting. Initiative suggests their attempt to recreate identity is balanced by their respect for privacy. Initiative is trying to maintain journey based engagement through technology.