ad spend

Ad Spend Trends

Guideline has issued an analysis of ad spending trends in several key markets, showing both similarities and differences.

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Ad Fraud Remains Unsolved Problem

A new study finds that ad fraud continues to be a major issue. Attempts to curtail it have faced major obstacles. New Media Ratings Council (MRC) guidelines try to help.

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Does Advertising Affect a Company’s Stock Price?

In this thought-provoking analysis, researchers from Boston University and UCLA delve into over 250 journal studies to decode the intricate relationship between advertising and corporate stock prices. Their findings illuminate how strategic advertising efforts not only captivate consumers but also sway investor sentiment, bolstering stock market valuations.

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OOH Measurement’s Game Has Changed

Christina RadiganSVP, Research & Insights, Outfront

Christina Radigan of Outfront explored the advantages of out-of-home advertising (OOH) and discussed advancements in its measurement techniques. Christina noted that with the loss of cookies and third-party data, contextual ad placement will see a renewed sense of importance, and in OOH, location is a proxy for context, driving content. She further indicated the benefits of OOH citing a recent study by Omnicom, using marketing mix modeling (MMM), which found that increased OOH spend drives revenue return on ad spend (RROAS). This research also highlighted that OOH is underfunded, representing only 4% to 5% of the total media marketplace. Following up on this, Christina pointed to attribution metrics, measuring the impact of OOH ad exposure on brand metrics and consumer behaviors, to demonstrate OOH's effectiveness at the campaign level. Expanding on their work in attribution, she noted changes stemming from the pandemic: Format proliferation and greater digitization, privacy-compliant mobile measurement ramping up (opt-in survey panel and SDK) and performance marketing and measurement becoming table stakes for budget allocations. New measurement opportunities from OOH intercepts included brand lift studies, footfall, website visitation, app download and app activity and tune in. Finally, she examined brand studies conducted for Nissan and Professional Bull Riders (PBR), showcasing the effectiveness of OOH advertising in driving recall, ticket sales and revenue. Key takeaways:
  • MMMs return to the forefront, as models become more campaign sensitive and are privacy compliant (powered by ML and AI).
  • A study from Omnicom, using MMM, found that optimizing OOH spend in automotive increased brand consideration (11%) and brand awareness (19%). In CPG food, optimizing OOH spend increased purchase intent (24%) and optimizing OOH spend in retail grocery increased awareness (9%).
  • OOH now represents a plethora of formats (e.g., roadside ads, rail and bus ads, digital and print) and has the ability to surround the consumer across their journey, providing the ability to measure up and down the funnel, in addition to fueling behavioral research.
  • Key factors for successful measurement in OOH: feasibility (e.g., scale and scope of the campaign, reach and frequency), the right KPIs (e.g., campaign goal) and creative best practices (Is the creative made for OOH?).
  • OOH advertising is yielding tangible outcomes by boosting consumer attention (+49%). Additionally, there has been a notable surge in advertiser engagement (+200%).
  • Ad recall rates in OOH continue to increase (e.g., 30% in 2020 vs. 44% in 2023).

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The Power of AI for Effective Advertising in an ID-free World

Rachel GantzManaging Director, Proximic by Comscore

Amidst heightened regulations in the advertising ecosystem, Rachel Gantz of Proximic by Comscore delved into a discussion of diverse AI applications and implementation tactics, in an increasingly ID-free environment, to effectively reach audiences. Rachel highlighted signal loss as a "massive industry challenge," to provide a framework for the research she examined. She remarked that the digital advertising environment was built on ID-based audience targeting, but with the loss of this data and the increase in privacy regulations, advertisers have placed their focus on first-party and contextual targeting (which includes predictive modeling). In her discussion, she focused on the many impacts predictive AI is having on contextual targeting, in a world increasingly void of third-party data, providing results from a supporting experiment. The research aimed to understand how the performance of AI-powered ID-free audience targeting tactics compared to their ID-based counterparts. The experiment considered audience reach, cost efficiency (eCPM), in-target accuracy and inventory placement quality. Key takeaways:
  • Fifty to sixty percent of programmatic inventory has no IDs associated with it and that includes alternative IDs.
  • Specific to mobile advertising, many advertisers saw 80% of their IOS scale disappear overnight.
  • In an experiment, two groups were exposed to two simultaneous campaigns, focused on holiday shoppers. The first group (campaign A) was an ID-based audience, while the second group was an ID-free predictive audience.
    • Analyzing reach: ID-free targeting nearly doubled the advertisers’ reach, vs. the same audience, with ID-based tactics.
    • Results from cost efficiency (eCPM): ID-free AI-powered contextual audiences saw 32% lower eCPMs than ID-based counterparts.
    • In-target rate results: Significant accuracy was confirmed (84%) when validating if users reached with the ID-free audience matched the targeting criteria.
    • Inventory placement quality: ID-free audience ads appeared on higher quality inventory, compared to the same ID-based audience (ID-free 27% vs. ID-based 21%).

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The Seven Answers Every CMO Should Demand

On January 23, Ken Roberts, Founder and President of Forethought™, Mary Wilson Avant, Senior Consultant of Forethought™ and Elizabeth Windram, EVP, Marketing & Communications of CLEAR discussed the seven answers every CMO should demand, ranging from predicting change in market share, creating internal alignment between marketing and the rest of the organization, how generative AI can be leveraged, and more. Currently this content is only available to event attendees.

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