Values & Viewing
We know that political views impact choices for news sources – such as a viewer’s preferred news network – but little is known about the relevance of political views, values and attitudes for viewing entertainment programs.
A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.
We know that political views impact choices for news sources – such as a viewer’s preferred news network – but little is known about the relevance of political views, values and attitudes for viewing entertainment programs.
Gen Z has different attitudes about sexuality than most older Americans. What are the implications for brands? Read more »
Retail media networks are growing rapidly and becoming a major advertising vehicle – with important implications for retailers, brands and consumers.
The ARF’s Knowledge Center recently analyzed all the information requests received by members. Their analysis provides insights into ARF member companies’ priority issues.
Regulations designed to protect consumers’ privacy can have unintended, negative consequences.
A study found that most marketers are not satisfied with their influencer marketing. New research shows how to improve influencer marketing outcomes.
After reviewing 250 studies, the researchers conclude that advertising has a positive impact on the value of a company and stock returns – under certain conditions.
Given the current focus on social media and streaming services as advertising vehicles, it is worth paying attention to studies that remind us of the value of radio and Out-Of-Home (OOH).
Hispanic consumers in the US are diverse – culturally as well as regarding their preferred language and language skills. What are the implications for the language used in ads for Hispanic consumers? Read more »
A Harvard Business Review paper points to a number of reasons why the Bud Light boycott was more effective than most. The researchers suggest steps companies can take to avoid such boycotts while emphasizing the unique circumstances of this particular situation.