News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

Interpreting Survey Responses

Data from a recent Gallup survey remind us that responses from survey participants need to be interpreted carefully, as they are impacted by culture and respondents’ willingness to talk about certain topics. Case in point: Reported identification as LGBT appears less related to actual sexual orientation than to age.

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Linear TV Ads’ Reach Declines

Samba TV’s analysis finds that 95% of linear TV advertising impressions were served to just 55% of viewers in Q4 2021, according to Smart TV data from Australia, Germany, the UK and the US.

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“The capacity of television to satisfy a marketer’s goals is going to be even more diminished going forward,” said Brian Wieser of GroupM in discussing how the TV business has changed since the first episode of Law & Order in 1990.
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