News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

Today’s TV is “Amazing”

In conversation with Scott McDonald, PhD., President & CEO, ARF, and Radha Subramanyam, PhD., President & Chief Research & Analytics Officer, CBS Corporation. Subramanyam gave today’s TV an A+.

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Attitudes about Ad-Supported Content

Researchers Jon Giegengack, Founder & Principal, HUB Entertainment Research, and David Tice, Research Senior Consultant, HUB Entertainment Research, reported on new insights from their ongoing series of surveys on trends in consumers’ viewing behaviors, about ad-supported versus ad-free content.  Read more »

A New Trend in Streaming

Based on his latest analyses of Nielsen’s data, Brian Fuhrer’s presentation focused on a new trend in viewer behavior, STRIVE: Streaming Live or Linear Streaming through an app. Fuhrer is SVP, Product Strategy & Thought Leadership at Nielsen. Read more »

Earth Day at 52

Born to combat pollution, environmentalism’s annual observance is poised to inspire more than ever—if governments, the public and brands can figure out what it means now. Read more »

Last Words on Day 1

Elizabeth Tarpinian (Senior Director, Consumer & Market Insight, Unilever NA)

  • “We feel we are in this incredible digital and technological revolution.”
  • “You have this context where the consumer is feeling trust issues.”
  • (There is a) “War for attention.”
  • “Continuous disruption where everything is massive, complex and it is moving….… (All of this) can feel unsettling….”

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A Fresh Look at Generations

Two presentations discussed generational differences and change. We have previously reported on one of them, Bobby Duffy, Professor of Public Policy and Director of the Policy Institute at King’s College London, who questions widely held assumptions of generational differences. The other was from J. Walker Smith, Knowledge Lead, Consulting Division, Kantar, who focused on generational change.

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The Value of Time in Advertising

Here are highlights from a panel discussion built on research and discourse from two ARF Town Halls about the quality of ad impressions on different platforms. Two issues were highlighted: measurement challenges and assessing the value of time spent with and attention to advertising.

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