News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

The Demographics of Covid Deaths

This chart from the CDC is based on one million deaths announced this week. The median age of those who died from Covid is 75. Almost three in four who passed away were age 65+. Read more »

CTV Ad Fraud Schemes Rise

A major new study from DoubleVerify (DV) reports both progress and ongoing problems in digital advertising. Viewability rates are improving while the number of ad fraud schemes uncovered by DV spiked up 70% in 2021.

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Is Streaming’s Rise Coming to an End?

While Wall Street is focused on Netflix’ subscriber decline, and some speculate that this indicates the end of streaming’s rise, new research from HUB finds that, while there are challenges, the shift to streaming has not slowed down. Read more »

All About Podcasts

Here are three perspectives: Ad spending numbers, reasons for ad spend increases and the long-term outlook for podcasts.   Read more »

The Most Crucial Shopping Moment

Do marketers, especially e-marketers, focus on the most pivotal moment in the shopping journey? Sure, it’s important to target consumers during search and on social media. But one marketer thinks that those are not the best channels and that the most vital step in every customer’s journey and experience with a brand is the purchase.

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Obstacles for the Metaverse

Nearly three-quarters of consumers say they have heard of the “Metaverse,” as of March, according to Marketing Dive. That’s a noteworthy bump in awareness compared to last July (32%). But familiarity does not equate to understanding. Read more »

The Transition to Multi-Currency

Several industry organizations – the ARF’s subsidiary CIMM, the ANA and the 4A’s — are working together to navigate and support the transition to a multi-currency TV market.   Read more »