What Makes Product Placements Effective?
Product placements have increased and are predicted to grow further. Research provides insights on how to make them effective.
A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.
Product placements have increased and are predicted to grow further. Research provides insights on how to make them effective.
The ARF’s latest Privacy Study, to be released next week, provides new insights on trends in consumers’ concerns and attitudes regarding sharing personal data. Read more »
Two events take place next week that are designed to help marketers create attention-grabbing and effective messages.
Dr. Colin Campbell, Associate Professor of Marketing at the University of San Diego’s Knauss School of Business, has succeeded Dr. John Ford as Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Advertising Research, as of September 1st.
Two new JAR papers explore how to increase attention to and the impact of, online advertising.
A study of digital ads suggests two ways to maximize attention: context alignment and multiple creative executions.
It appears that many consumers think we are (or will be) in a recession and so, are reevaluating their spending habits. This suggests that advertisers should start thinking about their strategies going forward.
Two 2022 ARF Great Mind Award recipients, Martin Renaud, winner of the Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) Award and Dr. Duane Varan, winner of the Erwin Ephron Demystification Award, shared insights on how research should be used to improve marketing.
Nielsen finds that streaming TV viewing accelerated in June — rising to a 33.7% share of total viewing. According to Nielsen’s “The Gauge” measure, this is the biggest increase since the measurement began over a year ago. Read more »
The ANA has introduced a set of guidelines for influencer marketing measurement to help advertisers better assess influencer marketing’s value. Read more »