News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

Making Inclusive Advertising Effective

Ads that highlight under-represented groups and their experiences can have broad appeal and be highly effective. However, they can backfire – even among the group the ad is focused on – if they fall into the “sadness trap”. 

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A Different Perspective on “Diversity”

While most marketers’ attention is focused on Gen Z and increasing diversity in ad creative, depictions of older adults are rarely part of that diversity. A new study concludes that bias in advertising prevents many brands from motivating a large, affluent consumer group.

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The Evolution of “OTT” and “CTV”

While there is still some disagreement over the definition of “OTT” and “CTV”, most use these terms now in a new way that reflects the changes in the media landscape and viewer behavior during the last five years. 

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Challenge for Online Ads

The September issue of the JAR features two papers that address the same marketing challenge, how to increase attention to digital ads, from different perspectives.

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The Future of Ad Creative?

A new study in the Journal of Advertising Research explores the role of deep fakes and A.I. on ad creative and consumer response to advertising

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Will Digital Ads Become Less Effective?

Sponsored by Meta

A new study by Meta concludes that changes in how data is used in online advertising can have a significant negative impact on the effectiveness of digital ad campaigns. This research can help us understand what work the industry can prioritize to help advertisers in a privacy-conscious environment.

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