News You Can Use

A weekly round-up of the industry’s top stories and research curated by the ARF.

ARF, JAR and CIMM News

The ARF released a report on cause-related messaging. JAR research investigates brand safety issues and CIMM announces research into the future role of panels for TV and cross-platform measurement.

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More Summer Reading

The Wall Street Journal has compiled a list of “the best marketing books.” They are mostly critical of advertising.  Read more »

AI, Chatbots and Market Research

While the impact of AI and chatbots on advertising is widely discussed, there has been less focus on their role in marketing research. MSI events and an MSI working paper have addressed the issue and reached noteworthy conclusions. Read more »

How to Measure Trust in Brands

A new study indicates that most measures of brand trust are flawed because they are based on questionable assumptions about consumers’ understanding of “trust”.  Read more »

How to Use Virtual IDs

The ARF Analytics Council has explored the use of Virtual IDs (VIDs) for cross-media measurement and offered a non-technical approach during our virtual event, “A Layman’s Guide to Cross Media Reach & Frequency Measurement Using Virtual IDs.” Read more »