Featured Speaker

Georgia Phillips - COO, Luma

Georgia is COO and co-owner of Luma Research, one of the world’s leading brand and communications insights agencies. Georgia has almost 30 years’ experience in market research and insights. She has conducted research with clients on every continent of the world and has worked alongside hundreds of the world’s top advertisers. She has a love of people, communications, insights and brands. Her passion is helping her clients to optimize their ads and brand strategies to grow their brands. Georgia is a regular contributor to AdNews, has written scores of research papers and spoken and many conferences around the world including New York, London, Paris, Shanghai, Sydney, Athens, Barcelona & Cannes. The focus of her research papers is understanding insights to trigger brand growth via communications. Georgia holds a Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing) and Bachelor of Science (Psychology) from the University of Melbourne.

To further, through research, the scientific
practice of advertising and marketing

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