
Partisan Polling Problems

A New York Times analysis suggests that the trend towards more partisan and fewer independent election polls is one of the reasons why pollsters’ forecasts often miss the mark. Read more »

Measuring Customer Sentiment 101

  • Author: Stephanie Jung, Paramount

On October 11, 2022, Stephanie Scalice, Winner of the 2022 ARF Great Mind Awards Young Pro of the Year Award and Senior Market Research Manager at LinkedIn, led the ARF Young Pros through a deep dive into NPS, CSAT and CES—the three most used metrics by modern businesses to better measure and understand customer satisfaction. Attendees learned more about what each metric is, when and how to implement it, real life applications of these tools and more.

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Surveys Don’t Always Predict Behavior

An analysis in The New York Times reminds us that surveys and polls often do not predict behavior. A report by the ARF examines the reasons why and pollsters are reevaluating their methods. Read more »

Streaming Data and Privacy

Many consumers don’t want advertisers to collect their personal information and shopping data. Are there also privacy concerns when streaming services collect and analyze viewing data to make recommendations?   Read more »

Interpreting Survey Responses

Data from a recent Gallup survey remind us that responses from survey participants need to be interpreted carefully, as they are impacted by culture and respondents’ willingness to talk about certain topics. Case in point: Reported identification as LGBT appears less related to actual sexual orientation than to age.

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